
Finally,im home.Reached Penang around 2something thur Areoline.Their services is quite nice and friendly.Only RM60+ and then you can enjoy one set of food in the bus and movie also.However,its has a toilet inside the bus so actually its quite easy for us.You also may book the ticket thur Internet.For more information,you may log in to https://www.aeroline.com.my/.Enjoy the aeroplane services in the bus :)

I watched two Chinese movie in the bus.Brune Lee my brother and I love Hong Kong.This two movie is moving me.Especially,the Brune Lee.Filming techniques not the same as with normal,is move to mv style.I like it so much.Compare to those fighting Brune Lee movie,this one is more to life style and their background history.I keep crying when the end of the movie.Asrif Rahman is the person who act Brune Lee and I love Hong Kong actor also.Fall in love with him right now :/

I love Hong Kong.Abit similar with the 72 Tenants of Prosperity.Its about Hong Kong people life style and attitude.Its quite funny.

Im home now.So will keep updates the previous blog which i didn't complete.Hahaha,I love my sweet bed.Good Night :)


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